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  • #15073
    Peter Hunt

    Hi to those that visit here. I’ve been a member for quite a few years now, and have seen this forum gradually lose its momentum to the point now where it’s virtually a graveyard.
    This is disappointing. I assume member communication these days is mostly done through Facebook, a place I (and others?) will never join. What I was able to do in the past was view the “Facebook Latest” section of the club website to see some of the chat, but now this too seems to be stagnant or non operative (at least for me). I know that sounds a bit hypocritical, but I get desperate for news haha.
    The one saving grace for me is the club mag, which Nigel does an awesome job putting together. He also is a great ambassador for the club here, and he and I have great email chats from time to time.
    I’ve renewed my membership for this year, but the feeling of isolation and disattachment from the club had me thinking twice. Surely there must be other members feeling a bit the same (particularly here in Australia) but maybe they play on Facebook so is not an issue.
    I’d hate to think this club will go the way of the vjmc here, now practically Facebook driven and with a semi dysfunctional app, where there was once a really good and active forum.
    I totally understand that committee and admin positions are voluntary and people are busy in their day to day lives (I was on vjmc nat comm for a few years) but I’d really hate to see the club fizzle out and lose members because of a lack of a platform to enable regular contacts and info sharing of our great bikes.
    Peter Hunt, Sth Aus.

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