Reply To: RC restoration – Paint colours codes

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Hi everyone, yesterday I finally decided to go on with the painter I know here in Rome.
He’s quite optimistic but he need some measuring of the tank layout (that was completely messed by the previous painter.
in particular i need the following measures (cm or inches):

1- from the base of the filler cap [ATTACH=CONFIG]1068[/ATTACH] to the (ideal) line connecting the 2 extremities [ATTACH=CONFIG]1067[/ATTACH]

2- the distance between the 2 extremities [ATTACH=CONFIG]1070[/ATTACH]

3- the distance between the 2 red graphics (if regular all the way long, otherwise some reference point)[ATTACH=CONFIG]1069[/ATTACH]
4- between the base of the cap and the red line[ATTACH=CONFIG]1073[/ATTACH]

5- beginning[ATTACH=CONFIG]1075[/ATTACH] middle [ATTACH=CONFIG]1076[/ATTACH] end [ATTACH=CONFIG]1072[/ATTACH] of the bottom white stripe

more to follow in the next post (cause max number of pics)