Not very often that I get an event in my necks of the woods, but as the title says, the next round of the Endurance Legends 4 Hour Classic is taking place at Snetterton on the 16th – 18th October.
As the more observant amongst you will have noticed, that’s also the same weekend as the Stafford Classic Show, where the club will also be exhibiting.
So, this is a heads up post to see who might be interested in journeying across to the wilds of Norfolk to show their bike on the club stand whilst benefitting from a free ticket for the weekend?
I will be co-ordinating the event on behalf of the club, somplease feel free to message me or respond on here or email me at:
Sadly I can’t put anyone up, lack of bedrooms I’m afraid (unless you want to crash on a comfy sofa) but I do have secure facilities for bikes should anyone require it?
What do you think then?
Link to the site is here: