just thought i might let you know, i ordered SC08 VIN for my bike from here in July, he agreed to make some up after i sent him a photo.
I paid with paypal, twice he told me it had been sent by recorded post,but had been lost.
I have now recieved refund off paypal.
So if anybody needs a VIN sticker, i wouldnt bother with this company.
steve http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/140803972664?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649#ht_1161wt_952
yes i spoke to Max 1st, he said he hasnt got any left, he said he will make up another batch when there is enough demand.
his are the ones with ” replica ” written on them, the shop was making me one without the replica written on them.
I have now got a metal Vin plate from Germany , but it needs stamping before i put it on.
Does anybody have any 5mm stamps, if i sent it to you could you stamp it and send it back ?